998 research outputs found

    Dietary Recommendations for Patients with Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes

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    Cardiovascular disease remains the main cause of death and disability among patients suffering from diabetes mellitus. All forms of diabetes are characterized by chronic hyperglycemia and the development of diabetes-specific macrovascular disease affecting the coronary arteries that supply the heart. Healthy diet plays an important role in the prevention and management of cardiovascular diseases and diabetes. The information in this chapter is divided into the following sections: mechanisms by which diabetes increases cardiovascular disease, the relationship between diet and disease, the potential of foods in preventing cardiovascular disease and diabetes, and dietary items and patterns

    Consumer ethnocentrism influence in choosing a hotel in domestic tourism – evidence from Romania and Croatia

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    Purpose: The role of consumer ethnocentrism (CE) in choosing a hotel is still not well explored. This research aims to identify if there is a relationship between CE and the preference of Romanian/Croatian respondents for a hotel belonging to a domestic chain vs. international (foreign) chain. Methodology: Exploratory and descriptive research was performed. The data were collected through an online survey, aiming for a quota sample stratified by age and gender. The resulting sample comprises 714 and 832 valid questionnaires in Romania and in Croatia, respectively. Factor analysis, nonparametric correlation analysis, and hypothesis testing were performed. Results: “Defensive patriotism” and “protectionism” were identified as CE factors. CE is moderately expressed for Croatian and Romanian respondents. Respondents from two countries with higher CE factors prefer a national rather than an international hotel. Customers who grew up in the communist era have higher ethnocentrism scores on defensive patriotism and protectionism and prefer national hotels more than those formed in the post-communist period. Conclusion: The results of this research relate to the previously revealed regularity that ethnocentric consumers prefer buying national rather than foreign goods and services. The same is now confirmed for respondents’ hotel preferences when engaging in domestic tourism, contributing to closing a research gap. However, the results indicate that polycentric consumers might evaluate hotels by other criteria and not necessarily by their association with an international chain. In addition, in the case of rechecking post-COVID-19 results, the results presented here can serve as a pre-COVID-19 baseline

    Use planning analysis on agricultural holdings according to their physical size. Case studies

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    The processes of planning of the production activity of agricultural holdings are, in fact, a number of activities to study the alternatives and choose the optimal Variant. It is conducted on the basis of the theory of planning by the manager/administrator and seeks to provide for a high efficiency of work, to develop and refine the tools, techniques and levers for the conduct of competition on the market, to reduce the uncertainty, to ensure management and control instruments in crisis situations, etc

    Subsistence and semi subsistence agriculture in Romania

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    The paper aims to analyze the main question that arises in the context of current agricultural policies: are households farms really? Viewed from the perspective of sustainable development of rural areas, the answer becomes very important, especially given that the actual short comings rural employment opportunities and business development. Research is needed, especially given the new Common Agricultural Policy for the period 2014-2020 still provides annual grants (between 500-1000 euros), especially given that you want to implement a policy of restructuring. In order to eliminate the sector subsistence farmers producing for own consumption only occasionally provides a scheme for granting annuities 2020 for owners who will give lands on lease or be sold to commercial farms and co financing up to 15,000 euros for starting a business

    Use planning analysis on agricultural holdings according to their physical size. Case studies

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    The processes of planning of the production activity of agricultural holdings are, in fact, a number of activities to study the alternatives and choose the optimal Variant. It is conducted on the basis of the theory of planning by the manager/administrator and seeks to provide for a high efficiency of work, to develop and refine the tools, techniques and levers for the conduct of competition on the market, to reduce the uncertainty, to ensure management and control instruments in crisis situations, etc

    Dadá: Bucarest, Zúrich, París. Una Historia del Dadaísmo

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    Los experimentos modernistas de principios del siglo XX evolucionaron muy rápido en Europa Central y del Este con unas nuevas y radicales visiones artísticas. El germen del futuro vanguardismo mundial contaminó todos los medios antes de la Primera Guerra Mundial, pero sólo después de 1914 se constituye como un verdadero movimiento. El Dadaísmo está conectado muy de cerca con los fenómenos modernistas de Rumanía. Artistas como Tristan Tzara, Marcel Iancu o Arthur Segall provenían de medios artísticos rumanos, en especial de Bucarest. La capital rumana representaba una metrópolis influenciada por las más diversas culturas y habitada por numerosas etnias. Bucarest fue también el espacio donde Tristan Tzara desarrolló sus primeras actividades artísticas. Revistas como Simbolul y Chemarea tienen una gran importancia en la evolución del modernismo hacia el vanguardismo radical. En 1915, Tristan Tzara y los hermanos Iancu, se encontraron en Zúrich con Hugo Ball y colaboraron juntos para abrir en febrero de 1916 el Cabaret Voltaire: un local donde en una atmósfera incendiaria de veladas artísticas nació el Dadaísmo. Dadá, desde sus orígenes, tuvo como figura central a Tristan Tzara, un personaje en continua actividad. Una vez acabada la Gran Guerra, Dadá-Zúrich desapareció, pero no el Dadaísmo. Desde París, Tristan Tzara continuaría su incansable trabajo

    Subsistence and semi subsistence agriculture in Romania

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    The paper aims to analyze the main question that arises in the context of current agricultural policies: are households farms really? Viewed from the perspective of sustainable development of rural areas, the answer becomes very important, especially given that the actual short comings rural employment opportunities and business development. Research is needed, especially given the new Common Agricultural Policy for the period 2014-2020 still provides annual grants (between 500-1000 euros), especially given that you want to implement a policy of restructuring. In order to eliminate the sector subsistence farmers producing for own consumption only occasionally provides a scheme for granting annuities 2020 for owners who will give lands on lease or be sold to commercial farms and co financing up to 15,000 euros for starting a business